//The following code is a generic code which can be used in scenario when based on certain condition of in main form, the associated forms should be view only. Example if the item master is approved then the child forms should be only view only (default setting, transaction text etc) else should work as per standard Ax user permissions. \Classes\SysSetupFormRun public void init() { this.AA_setCallerFormAccess(); } void AA_setCallerFormAccess() { FormDataSource formDataSource,formDataSourceChild; Object formObject; Object caller; FormRun callerForm; Common common; int dsCnt; ; //info(this.args().menuItemName()); if (this.args().menuItemName() != "InventTxt" && this.args().menuItemName() != "InventPackagingUnit" && this.args().menuItemName() != "PriceDiscTable_PricePurch" && this.args().menuItemName() != "PriceDiscTable_LineDiscPurch" && this.args().menuItemName() != "PriceDiscTable_MultiLineDiscPurch" && this.args().menuItemName() != "PriceDiscTable_EndDiscPurch" && this.args().menuItemName() != "SuppItemTable_Purch" ) return; formDataSource = this.objectSet(); if (formDataSource && formDataSource.formRun().args().menuItemType() == MenuItemtype::Display) { caller = formDataSource.formRun().args().caller(); if (!caller) return; callerForm = caller; if (callerForm.name() != formstr(InventTable)) return; for (dsCnt = 1; dsCnt <= formDataSource.query().dataSourceCount(); dsCnt++) { formDataSourceChild = this.objectSet(formDataSource.query().dataSourceNo(dsCnt).name()); if (formDataSourceChild) { formDataSourceChild.allowCreate(false); formDataSourceChild.allowDelete(false); formDataSourceChild.allowEdit(false); } } } }